My husband and I have been together for 12 years. It's sometimes
hard to believe that if our relationship were a person, it would be in
the 7th grade, donning shiny braces and saying asinine things like "cray
cray" and "totes."
Like all relationships,
we've had our ups and downs. We've had arguments that ended with
slamming doors and Michelin tires screeching down the driveway. We've
declared our love and
apologies over the phone once our tempers and transmissions cooled down.
We've talked out our problems until the sun came up or one of my
husband's farts lightened the mood. We've prayed together, cried
together, laughed together and gotten food poisoning together after
eating disgusting undercooked burgers doused in Heinz 57.
Most importantly, we have prevailed. We have persevered. We are raising two unbelievable children (despite our
parenting mistakes),
and we both have the same vision of someday pointing our rocking chairs
towards the West, watching our grandchildren score major grass stains
on the lawn and sharing Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements.
However, as a wife, I make mistakes. And I make them often. Here are a few of my favorites: