Showing posts with label steal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steal. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2014

An Open Letter To The Friend Who Tried To Steal My Girl on FB

Ed Norton Pointing Recently, I brought my girlfriend to a party. I had some friends there who hadn't met her yet, so I was excited to introduce them to her. All in all, it was a fun party and everything went well.
A few days after the party, one of my friends who had just met my girlfriend sent her a message on Facebook. He wanted to know if she wanted to go out with him sometime. She never responded to him, and I was understandably upset with him about this. I felt like I was pretty clear about our relationship status when I introduced her as "my girlfriend." I feel like I used pretty obvious language there, right?
The next time I saw this guy around, when I wasn't acting like I was happy to see him, he pulled me aside and asked me if something was up and if I was mad at him about something.
This is an open letter to him in response to the situation: