Showing posts with label smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label smoking. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2014

Smoking can mar your baby’s health

An illustration
The other day, a reader e-mailed, complaining that the way physicians and journalists go about discussing the harmful effects of smoking borders on either of two things: harassment of the smoker or psychological warfare that is meant to make the smoker jittery.
It was unprecedented, considering that it is common knowledge that smoking has never been known to benefit the body. Rather, based on decades of scientific researches and clinical observations, the conclusion has been unanimous: smoking is bad for your health.
However, if, as a smoker, you have managed to stay crisis-free, health-wise, physicians are now warning that you can determine the health status of your unborn child, not for good, but for bad.
Indeed, physicians are warning that it is not just the pregnant mother that should avoid smoking, even men are being counselled — and strongly, too — to stop smoking at least six months before they start raising a family!