Showing posts with label happyman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happyman. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

How To Keep Your Man Happy

How To Keep Your Man Happy
I wanted this article to just be a list of tactics and things you can do to make your man happy, but before I give you the list, there is just a few really important things that I need to cover first so that you make the most out of them. (If you want to learn my best dirty talking tips and techniques for building sexual tension and turning him on, you'll find them in this powerful video.)
Happiness Is A Two-Way Street: If you are only ever focusing on making your man happy, but he never puts in any effort to make you happy then you have a recipe for disaster. Relationships require both of you to work on them. If you are constantly doing nice things for your man and making sure that he's enjoying your relationship, but he's not reciprocating, then you are potentially heading into troubled waters. It's not just a case of expecting him to do nice things for you. Often you'll need to literally tell him.