Showing posts with label celebrities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrities. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Before you send that naked photo please read this

Before you send that naked photo please read this

It’s all over the news. Someone hacked into the iCloud accounts of several celebrities and leaked their naked pictures online. Naughty naughty. Now social media is abuzz with the story. But how could this happen? Well they’re saying it was due to a flaw in iCloud and its safety is being questioned. Other programs have their hacks as well. People used to think “Snapchat” was safe because the photo disappeared after a few seconds, but there’s a way around that. What does that tell us? Well it tells us that your data is never really safe, regardless of what you do to prevent a “leak”. Don’t ever be naive. So how do you ensure your private parts remain, well, private? Well, that’s simple – by keeping them private. No I’m not a prude but I do prefer to take the cautious route and I suggest that you should too. Here’s why.