Showing posts with label Swimming Pool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swimming Pool. Show all posts

Monday, September 22, 2014

The world's deepest pool which is the height of nine double decker .

Afraid of depths? The pool features several depth platforms before narrowing into a deep descent
If you can hold your breath all the way to the bottom here, you are in a very small minority - this is Y-40 The Deep Joy and with a staggering depth of -40 metres it is the world's deepest pool.
The incredible swim centre, designed by renowned architect Emanuele Boaretto, is located within the four-star Hotel Terme Millepini in Montegrotto Terme, Italy.
Operating since June, the pool has a diving height of a 12-storey building, or nine double decker buses placed on top of each other.
Wet suits aren't required here as swimmers can enjoy a regular temperature of between 32-34°C.

There are several platforms, ranging from -1.3m, to -12m. The pool at the surface is 21m by 18m but it becomes a narrow well-like hole as the depths plummet straight down.
Visitors are able to use the facilities for free diving and scuba diving, with underwater caves for cave diving beginners