Showing posts with label Overweight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Overweight. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2014

Eating a meal in the presence of an overweight person can make you eat more

Battle of the bulge ... You might eat more if your dining companions are overweight a new
They say you are what you eat but now researchers have found who you eat with could also be making you fat.
New research has found eating a meal in the presence of an overweight person can raise the amount of unhealthy food you eat.
The Southern Illinois University study published in the journal Apetite took 82 normal weight university students and studied what happened when they selected food and ate it in the presence of an overweight person.
A professional actress was dressed in a fatsuit and served herself pasta and salad for lunch.
After observing her the students were asked to serve themselves some of the same food.
Both male and female students served and ate a larger amount of pasta when the actress wore the fatsuit than when she didn’t.