For those who haven’t heard, 43-year-old ex-militant leader, High Chief
Government OweizideEkpumopolo (a.k.a. Tompolo) on Monday 26th August
2013 received his Bombardier SE60 LearJet. The Jet according to aviation
sources cost a whopping sum of $13.3 million (N2.12 billion).
"We have heard over and over how the Nigerian system rewards honest labour with hardship and award criminal endeavours with the juicy contracts and patronage which only feather the nest of cronies.
"Fellow militants who didn’t labour (kill) as much as Tompolo weren’t rewarded as much. I pity men of the Nigerian military who daily sacrifice their lives for nothing.
"Despite the billions being paid to Tompolo, Nigeria’s maritime domain has been less secure. [Today] Crude oil theft has reached an all-time high, threatening Nigeria’s income."