Happy Birthday to MAVIN Boss - Don Jazzy. He clocked 31 today. Another photo below:

Now whenever upcoming “celebs” post pictures with other established “celebs” in clothes from a stylist they have paid approximately 20k or so and with bling that aint quite bling….talking about “ we outchea making it happen”…then wait till after the function to hitch a ride knowing they squatting at some friends place and don’t know where their next meal is coming...I tag that as mumuism. The interesting thing is that this “mumuism” has a snowball effect. Other people see it and want to be like them and quit school or work in the hopes that they also can one day take pictures with these people.
At the risk of sounding like a sour grape…when all is said and done…common sense will never be outdated. I don’t see the sense in creating a false image of success at the detriment of your own peace of mind.I get it if your “faking it till you make it” but the “faking it” process better have a plan and a timeline if not your going to wind up being that person people use as a bad example.