Showing posts with label How To Keep Your Relationship Alive. 10 Easy & Practical Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How To Keep Your Relationship Alive. 10 Easy & Practical Tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

How To Keep Your Relationship Alive. 10 Easy & Practical Tips

A relationship involves two people and for it to work, it is important for both parties to be willing to make it work. One person alone cannot make a relationship work. In some cases, there is nothing you can do to keep the relationship because the other party is not willing to make the relationship work and worth keeping. So let us look at some things that do not make a relationship work or worth keeping such as:
(1) No Interest: In this case, either one or both parties had no genuine interest in each other to start with or in some cases, one of the partners or both partners lost interest over the course of the relationship.
(2) Bad Attitude: A partner or both partners with a bad attitude cannot keep a relationship. Bad attitude such as impatience, constant nagging and complaining, greed, cheating, pride e.t.c usually lead to the death of a relationship.
(3) Lack of Communication: A relationship where a partner or partners do not communicate their feelings, wants, expectations or challenges will be hard to keep.