Showing posts with label How Lebanese Town is Built with Nigerian money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How Lebanese Town is Built with Nigerian money. Show all posts

Friday, April 21, 2017

How Lebanese Town is Built with Nigerian money

With the revenues earned in Lagos or Abuja, Lebanese expats build ostentatious villas in the village of Miziara back home. ChloĆ© Domat reports 
  MIZIARA, Lebanon - The picturesque, two-hour drive from Beirut to Miziara follows the coast up north through windy mountain roads, and crosses a familiar landscape of orange-tree orchards and olive-tree fields.
Similarly, the main square with its stone church, local grocery stores and a large poster of the president of the Republic would make anyone think that this was just an average Christian Lebanese village.
Venture deeper though, and a surreal picture unfolds, as hundreds of extravagant villas with extraordinary designs surprise the eyes: welcome to Miziara.