Showing posts with label Business Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business Ideas. Show all posts

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Start Pure Water (Bottled/Satchet) Production Business In Nigeria

pure-water-satchet-water-businessPure Water as portable water is commonly referred to in Nigeria is a consumable product of high demand. The market is huge because there is no alternative to water which is consumed by millions of people on a daily basis. The rate at which empty pure water sachets litter our roads and public places is a concrete proof that pure water business in Nigeria is very lucrative.

How To Start Dog Breeding Business

breed of dogWhether you are in United States, U.K, Canada, Kenya, India or Nigeria, if you are interested in making money from raising dogs or just keeping them as pets, passion for dogs is one of the keys to success. Dog business in Nigeria is a lucrative investment you can indulge in if you are interested in starting a dog breeding business. I have come across kernels that generate millions of Naira every 3 months and you can also start your own business with whatever you have as capital now.
Before I continue, I'll like to let you know that dog breeding business is big business. Apart from the money from puppy sales, some dog breeders make money from mating. They get paid when owners of female dogs bring their btch to mate with their buck. The fee paid for this simple service can run into thousands of Naira depending on the value of the dog breed involved.
To understand what I'm saying, have a look at the prices of puppies different breeds of dog below:

Sunday, November 30, 2014


Catfish-Farming-Nigeria-PictureStarting A Fish Farm in Nigeria is one of the guaranteed way to make millions of Naira annually. If you are armed with the right knowledge, commercial fish farming business is a lucrative investment that can spin money at any time of the year continuously. Catfish farming one of the most profitable areas in fish production. It is also important to know that not all Nigerian fish farmers are involved in grow-outs (table size fish) production.
How To Make Money From Fish Farming Business

How To Start A Gym Fitness Centre For Body Building And Weight Loss

In Nigeria and especially in growing urban cities like Ibadan, Lagos, Abuja, Calabar and Portharcourt, there is an emerging problem of obesity common among the woman population. This issue has reduced the expected life span to barely over 50 years of age. Based on the lifestyle of an average Nigerian, many people find it difficult to stay committed to fitness programmes on a personal basis. The need to subscribe or register with a fitness centre or gym has opened up investment opportunities in this area.

Pig Farming In Nigeria: How To Start A Pig Farm

Pig farming in NigeriaPig farming in Nigeria is  especially lucrative because of the huge demand for pork and the high fecundity of these animals. A single sow can farrow up to 15 piglets at a time giving the pig farmer so much returns on his investment. Considering how fast pigs breed, it would not take long before you have more than a hundred pigs on your farm.

How To Start Cement Business In Nigeria

cement businessBuying and Selling cement is one of the most lucrative investment opportunities in building materials business. Starting A Cement business in Nigeria is profitable with the right information. Whether your are interested in becoming a cement distributor or retailer, starting cement business in Nigeria does not have to be an headache. Many people have become millionaires just by reselling bags of cement in major cities like Ibadan, Lagos, Calabar, Enugu, Abuja, 
I will use this post to shed more light on how you can start cement business in Nigeria without much stress.

How To Start Hire Purchase Business: Okada, Keke Napep, Car, Danfo Bus, Trucks

A hire purchase business involves giving out a vehicle to another party on agreement that this individual usually a driver will use it for commercial purposes in a bid to pay for the total cost of the vehicle (with interest) in installments. The driver uses the vehicle for passenger, goods or oil haulage and pays an agreed amount daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly until he covers the cost stipulated by the agreement between him and the investor. The time frame varies from vehicle to vehicle and agreement to agreement but is usually between the range of 6months to 1year.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


Begin building a portfolio of photographs to show perspective clients. Volunteer to take pictures at family weddings or other events so you have various types of photos in your portfolio.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How To Start A Business In Nigeria's Oil And Gas Industry

petrol filling station pictures
petrol filling station pictures
The oil and gas sector is currently the backbone of Nigeria's economy. Funds from the export of crude oil is used to run the government, drive the economy, pay civil servants, put up infrastructures etc.

You can only understand the great wealth in this business venture when you check out the lifestyles of employees in oil and gas companies, not to talk of the investors themselves.
Oil and gas as a business may sound big but in reality, this lucrative investment offers opportunities for small scale investors. No matter your kind of person or the size of your pocket if you look critically, you will still discover areas where you can invest in oil and gas business.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

How to start a successful restaurant business

If you are thinking of starting your own restaurant business then to help you we've listed the main areas to focus on for this business opportunity as well as writing a restaurant business plan and start up costs. So whatever food you are thinking of serving whether a pizza, italian, seafood, chinese or even a coffee shop or sandwich shop then use these guides to help you.


Plastic ID card is used by or organisations, schools/universities, or government agencies as method of identification. This is a very profitable business but the high cost of plastic id card  machine which range from N300,000-N500,000 has limited the number of people benefiting from this business.

How to start this business with less than N75,000
We are introducing to you the secrete on how you can start making huge income printing Plastic ID CARD without plastic id machine with less than N75,000.

  1. PVC card consumables
  2. ink jet printer
  3. laminating machine to be set to highest
  4. Customized ID CARD BLENDER


1.  Certified skill acquisition centre is a profitable education business
2.  Establishing a School / Day care is a profitable education business
3.  Tutoring: foreign laguage training is a profitable education business
4.  Seminar: biz, weight loss, etc. is a profitable education business
5.  Interpreter/Translator is a profitable education business   
6.  Book Sales.(Buy at very cheap from lagos cheap) is a profitable education business
7.  School Uniform Merchant Business is a profitable education business
8. Internet service installation for Schools is a profitable education business
9. Ghost Write for newspapers is a profitable education business
10.Jamb and SSCE classes is a profitable education business
11. Exams Registeration center is a profitable education business
12. Providision of School Bus services for schools that can not afford it is a profitable education business


Thursday, October 2, 2014

How To Start A Car Washing Business And Make Over N25,000 Daily

Car washing business is a very profitable business in Nigeria, considering the dusty and muddy nature of our environment. Cars get dirty even if they are just parked. Since people need to clean their cars regularly you are always sure of a steady market.
With a good location and excellent marketing concept, I assure you that you can make over N25,000 daily from this business. I may not be willing to state names for anonymity reasons but just take a stroll to some good car washing business centers in your city and calculate the inflow of vehicles daily and what the car washers stand to make at an average bill of N1000 per vehicle, you will be amazed that most of them earns much more than N25,000 daily.
You can follow this simple steps to start a profitable car washing business:

How to Brand Your Name In Business

Your brand is what you’re known for. the promises of value you or your product make and keep. Good branding is the act of becoming known for something that you do, above any other competitor. As a small scale business owner it is very likely that you don’t have an established brand like large companies do—which means if you want to gain loyal customers, you must create a brand of your own.

The benefits of a strong brand
Here are just a few benefits you will enjoy when you create a strong brand:
· A strong brand influences the buying decision and shapes the ownership experience.
· Branding creates trust and an emotional attachment to your product or company.
· A strong brand can command a premium price and maximize the number of units that can be sold at that premium.
· Branding will help you "fence off" your customers from the competition and protect your market share while building mind share. Once you have mind share, your customers will automatically think of you first when they think of your product category.
· A strong brand signals that you want to build customer loyalty, not just sell product. A strong branding campaign will also signal that you are serious about marketing and that you intend to be around for a while. A brand impresses your firm's identity upon potential customers, not necessarily to capture an immediate sale but rather to build a lasting impression of you and your products.
· Branding builds name recognition for your company or product.
A brand will help you articulate your company's values and explain why you are competing in your market

Putting yourself in your brand

Is there something unique or otherwise notable about your services or product that’s worth mentioning to someone? Then don’t just mention it—shout it from the rooftops!
What do you think of when you hear, “Rule your world”? How about, “brewed for the strong”?
Effective companies constantly reinforce public awareness of their brands


It may sound funny but its true. we all had very interesting and amusing childhood. personally i was fun of the ants, tending to forget in a haste their painful stings most times. I played a lot with this creature, making little researches to unveil the mystery of its nature, success and intelligent. One of my best researches then, bothered on their philosophy.  I think everybody willing to succeed must study the ants because this is a type of creature that succeeds in about 95% of all its endeavors.
The ants have four basic philosophies responsible for this great performance:

There are just so many men and women who want to be valued for the effort they put into their job and they want to share in the financial rewards for their efforts. The reality, as we all know, is that in a job, you are paid “the going rate” irrespective of the value you create for your boss’ organisation. In today’s uncertain economic climate, the value of the worker is further diminished  with many people regarded as providing “commodity” services.
So therefore, it is not surprising to see men and women, irrespective of their backgrounds or education seeking personal fulfilment and ready to take control of their financial lives. Many want to be productive, to contribute their services to the community and to be adequately rewarded. They seek to be productive by working in their own business and retain the financial rewards for themselves.
If you are among this category of men wishing to dominate their world, here are eight tips to get you started:
· Take a Stand for Yourself. If you are dissatisfied with your current circumstances, admit that no one can correct them except for you. It doesn't do any good to blame the economy, your boss, your spouse or your family. Change can only occur when you make a conscious decision to make it happen.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


YOGHURT is a pasteurized low-fat milk drink that is fermented and conjugated to a custard-like consistency with mixed lactic acid culture. It may or may not be flavoured according to desired taste. Common flavours used are banana, apple, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, fruit juice and other condiments.
The average person on the street knows what yoghurt is and its refreshing qualities are rather not new. It is consumed all the year round but mostly during the dry season when demand for drinks is always very high because at this time thirst is at its peak. Its popularity as a nutritious food item, especially among the weight-conscious people, has grown tremendously in recent times.
As an entrepreneur you can capitalise on this seasonal demand to make good money by producing this tasty drink in various flavours. You could make drinking yoghurt, set yoghurt, stirred yoghurt or frozen yoghurt with each having its recognisable essential features and requirements relative to quality attributes and basic steps from start to finish.

Running Your Business Using Other People's Money Without Tears!

There are a thousand and one factors that may cause a great business to collapse but in this article, we are looking at the most common among them.

Bad Location
It's an interesting question: Why cities become startup hubs, but the reason startups prosper in them is probably the same as it is for any industry: that's where the experts are. Standards are higher; people are more sympathetic to what you're doing; the kind of people you want to hire want to live there; supporting industries are there; the people you run into in chance meetings are in the same business.

Marginal Niches
When you choose a small, obscure niche in the hope of avoiding competition, you are heading for disaster.

If you watch little kids playing sports, you notice that below a certain age they're afraid of the ball. When the ball comes near them their instinct is to avoid it.



You can start your business with no money -- but it will not be easy. But if you're willing to work hard, and be creative and willing to learn, you can surely do it.

This is called bootstrapping, or starting your business on a shoestring budget and many entrepreneurs have done this. I started same way. So i am writing from experience. But as I said, it is NOT EASY.

1. Start Small

 The main key to starting your small business without capital is to start small. I started with skills i love the most. Clients paid me in advance to do certain professional jobs for them.. The most successful small businesses start with the owner's hobby and develop from there. Most people who enjoy sewing already own all the materials needed to start a small sewing business. Most people who enjoy programming computers already own the necessary equipment for this business. Take a look at what you already own and go from there. , Do you want to start a small business but you have no start-up capital and you want to avoid loans? Though many small-business guidebooks will tell you that this is not possible, it certainly is. Read this article to learn how!

With As Little As N2,500, You Can Get Govt. Land For Farming

Quoting the latest statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi said the nation's unemployment rate has doubled in the last five years to hit the red-button zone.
Sanusi said: “Unemployment rate in 2011 was 29.3 per cent. This means that it has doubled since the last five years. Unemployment in Yobe is 60.6 per cent; Kano is 67 per cent, which explains why a trip to Kano introduces you to a sea of loafers, without work”.
In Nigeria, the unemployment rate measures the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force.
Yet, despite this nasty statistic, there exists at least one million hectares of government owned farmland available for farming in remote villages across Nigeria.
These plots of farmland are already being given out to local and foreign investors at very cheap rates. The farmland is being managed by the River Basin Development Authorities, Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs) and farm settlement schemes. They are being leased at about N1, 000 per hectare for a period of about eight months.
Mr. African-farmer Mogaji, Chief Executive Officer, Xray Farms Consulting, is one man who has benefitted from this unique opportunity for over a decade.
He says, “I changed my name from Afi-Oluwa Mogajji to African-farmer Mogajji in 2005, legally published, and it reflected in all my documents. I started my agricultural journey over 16 years ago, and I stayed in the business on a small and medium scale in 1996, with Ogun/Osun River Basin Authority operating in Lagos.
“I was growing corn and vegetables (Ewedu and the likes). I had also stepped into bee keeping in year 2000, when I won NYSC Award for introducing bee keeping into Jigawa State and funding it successfully. Then in 2002, I farmed quite extensively, using the Ogun/Osun project in five states. I have used land as much as 250 acres”.
He adds that virtually all states in the federation have lands cleared for farming, and that majority of the lands are owned by the Federal Government and some by state and local governments.