Showing posts with label 'My wife of 15 years told me our three sons are not mine'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'My wife of 15 years told me our three sons are not mine'. Show all posts

Monday, August 3, 2015

'My wife of 15 years told me our three sons are not mine'

Worried man"Dear Olokunbola Blessing,
My name is Osondu and I am from the eastern part of the country. As I write this, my heart is very heavy and I do not know what steps to take.
I have been married to Chika for the past 15 years and I thought we had a lovely family with three sons, aged 13, 10 and 8 years respectively.
But something happened six months ago that is threatening to tear me apart and if care is not taken, could lead to my death.