Thursday, May 11, 2023

Babcock university confirms hack of website

 The management of Babcock University has said that the school’s website has been hacked by some unknown persons.

The school management confirmed this development in a statement signed by the Director, Communication & Marketing of the institution, Dr Joshua Suleiman.

The statement read in part, “The public is hereby notified that the Babcock University management information system has been violated by suspected unscrupulous persons with intent to embarrass, deceive and defraud unsuspecting university clients and stakeholders.

“The criminals had gained unauthorised, illegitimate, illicit access to some of the university’s client inconsequential records from the front-end server of the university and threatened dire consequences if the university does not reach out to them, they also claim that the university’s sensitive information had been compromised.

“We assure the public that all sensitive University information remains unassailable and will always be inaccessible to fraudsters and every other intruder to the University’s information sites.”

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