Thursday, September 21, 2017

Asian sex gang victim says she was raped by thousands of men from the age of 14

The victim of an Asian sex gang has told how she was raped by thousands of men – including a local politician – over a 15-year period since she was just 14.

Caitlin Spencer, not her real name, bravely opened up to tell her shocking story after she said she was failed by authorities who were “not interested”.She said the sick predators are still walking the streets after cops failed to bring any convictions for what was done to her.

Despite finding the courage to make an official police report two years ago, she said her case was dropped.

And she warned recent convictions in similar cases in Newcastle and Rochdale were just the tip of the iceberg.

She said there was “no way the gangs are that small”, claiming to have been raped by thousands of men across the country – including a prominent local politician.

Caitlin said her ordeal began when she rang the number on an advert calling for young models – only for a man to violently rape her in her family home while her parents were out.

She told The Mirror:
 “I ran a bath. Then I stayed in my room. I felt so dirty. I couldn’t face my family. I blamed myself.”
The then teenage schoolgirl kept the incident from her family – but before long she said the man was picking her up and trafficking her to others to abuse.Recalling her first “client”, she said:
 “He was an older Asian man, who obviously had a family. He had photos everywhere of his wife and kids.”
Terrified after being threatened with death, Caitlin said she would be given to two clients a day – usually Asian men – and had an abortion after becoming pregnant from the abuse.

She said her mum called police after finding her diary, but claimed a cop who quizzed her “seemed angry” and told her she would have to “get used to upsetting questions” when she asked him to stop.

The terrified teen said she dropped the case and officers told her mum she was a “known prostitute”.
She said the horrific abuse continued for years, with “queues” of men raping her, force-feeding her drugs to get her hooked and calling her names like “white bitch”.

Eventually she fled to Australia in 2013, before returning and telling cops her full story.

Caitlin said she worked with police to identify around 80 gang members on Facebook, but none were ever brought to justice after her case crumbled.

She said she has been left “disgusted” by the lack of support and protection she received and has decided to speak out to warn others of the dangers of Asian sex gangs.

The abuse survivor made an anonymous speech to the House of Lords on the topic .

She said: “These men find it okay to rape non-Muslim girls. It’s a brutal cult and needs to be stopped.
“There are other young British girls who are still suffering today in the way I suffered at the hands of Muslim men, who should be behind bars.”

Caitlin has also told her harrowing tale in a book called Please, Let Me Go.

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