Wednesday, August 12, 2015

No Church Should Wed Same-Sex Couple- Pastor Medo-Uwa

In an interview with Etop Ekanem, the founder and General Overseer of Pentecostal Cannanland Mision in Ajao Estate, Lagos Pastor Nick Medo-Uwa spoke about same-sex marriage and why it will never be accepted in Nigeria. Enjoy!
How did you receive the news of the endorsement of same-sex marriage by the American Supreme Court?
It was no surprise to me because America is a country that is being used by God; but the devil also uses the country to advance some of his activities. Any time that the devil wants to do evil, he uses America to do it. America has been used by God to spread the gospel but today, Americans are no longer interested in spreading the word of God, instead Africans have taken over that responsibility of spreading the gospel. Continue...
This gay marriage issue has spread to other nations of the world but we still thank God because at the end, he will still do what he wants to do. However, where I am having concern is the situation where the church is being forced to wed gay couples against biblical rules. If their government legalizes same-sex union, it should be in government’s courts and not in the house of God.
They should limit this kind of union to the courts; the church should not be involved. Same sex marriage should not take place in the church to avoid polluting it. I am praying that they should leave the church out of this anomaly. The church should not be compelled to wed gay people because doing that will be against the will of God for his church.
But you don’t envisage such a law coming to Nigeria?
It will be difficult to have such a law in Nigeria because so many things will work against it. Our tradition, culture and religious belief forbid such things. Nigerians believe in prayer, if any leader endorses such practice in Nigeria, the citizens will stone him.

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