The four men were paraded before newsmen on July 6th where they confessed to being involved in the (crime of taking things by force) attack. The court paper which has been filed before Justice Mohammed Yunusa through their lawyer, A Akanbi, states that they made confessional statement to newsmen under threat.
He argued that the police had no right to parade the suspects to be interviewed by the press unless such a suspect wishes to give interview after the matter has been charged to a court of (able to do something well/very good) legal control.
Their advice also accuse (of a crime)/say or reports that the police have denied him and the family members of the suspects access to see them since their arrest
"The people (who are applying for something)' advice were not allowed to see the people (who are applying for something) even to have a brief interview when they visited the people (who are being sued or who were sued) on July 15, 2015. The people (who are applying for something)' (rights guaranteed by the Constitution) under Section 36 of the 1999 Constitution are in danger of being lost because the people (who are being sued or who were sued) have already taken a bias position by denying the people (who are applying for something)' family or their advice their right of visiting them in (possession by the police). It will be in the interest of justice if the people (who are applying for something) are brought before this honorable court so that the court can learn (or check) whether the people (who are applying for something) are still alive. It will be in the interest of justice if the people (who are applying for something) can be charged by the people (who are being sued or who were sued) to court since they have already spent over 24 hours (being held by police) and failure to do this will amount to abuse of the (agreeing with, or related to, the Constitution) powers of the (related to judges and the court system)."the court paper states
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