Monday, August 24, 2015

Buhari's probe and the huge, monster-like thing of (dishonest actions that ruin your trust)

Image result for buhari 

FROM independence in 1960 till today, Nigeria has been turning out 99.9% (dishonest actions that ruin your trust)ists and seriously mentally ill (person)ally dishonest (in a way that ruins your trust) leadership at all levels, so much so that (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) has become the bossy (word with secret powers/word or statement repeated often) and (deeply stuck in people's minds) culture of Nigerians. Nobody is free, no, not one is free.

We are not short of ideas on how to wipe away (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) hook, line and sinker from Nigeria in all its result, but we lack men and women of (honest and good human quality/wholeness or completeness) and courage to take the bull of (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) by the horn and drive it out of our (related to how much money and power people have), religious, educational and political china shop.

The destruction/permanent removal of (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) in Nigeria has always made up/was equal to the Mission Statement of our leaders and all secret and successful plans in Nigeria, from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe, Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogu, Yakubu Gowon, Murtala Mohammed, Buka Suka Dimka, Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo, Shehu Shagari, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, Gen. Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, Serious and honest Shonekan, Gen.Sani Abacha, Gen.Abubakar, President Olusegun Obasanjo, President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and now President Muhammadu Buhari.

Their Mission Statements have never been filled with/full of flaws. It has always been a country-loving call to serve and total submission to the ways of thinking/basic truths/rules of loyalty to/promise to building a man-like, full of life and (dishonest actions that ruin your trust)-free nation. In Gen. Murtala Mohammed's glowing speech titled "Africa has Come of Age and Nigeria Must Move Forward" and many others including the Retreat at Kuru, Jos which came out with the Kuru (official, public statement/document with such a statement) and many other memoryal speeches it has always been the same story of so much movement but no movement. Buhari has now in his second coming made the fight against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) the basic goal and order rules/ways of thinking of Nigeria's policy.

Can Buhari succeed in this weirdest of fight against the tyrannosaurus monster of (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) that has become a tradition, custom and culture that has not only spread through/flowed through Nigeria not only from basic (by ordinary people) level, but from root hair bass to tree top heights. (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) has become worshipped (like a god), preserved (in chemicals and cloth), institutionalised, thoroughly honored and praised, perfectly/completely idolised and placed in the holy and untouchable Big collection of greatly respected untouchability. Agreed, (compared to other things) speaking Buhari is a man of (honest and good human quality/wholeness or completeness) and has the (take weapons away/stop using weapons)ing (written proof of identity, education, etc.) to fight (dishonest actions that ruin your trust). But will the democratic process, rule of law and snake-like legal (moving around/misleading and dishonest behaviors) allow him?

Will Nigerians at all levels join him in this weird and scary St. Vitus dance of death? Can he separate out and sanitise NNPC, NDLEA, ICPC, EFCC, CCB, DPR, PPMC, Federal and State (services businesses/government units), Parastatals, Ministries, Corporations, the (related to judges and the court system), the Nigerian Press, the Governors, Local Government Chairmen, Nigeria Labour Congress, Trade Union Congress, NUPENG, PENGASSAN, NURTW, NANS, JOHESU, Market Women, Captains of Businesses, Traditional Rulers and RATTAWU, etc. ARE NIGERIANS READY?

The answer is a clear, well-said (with a small number of words) and exact NO. To make the fight against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) work, Buhari must be trusted and furnished with power through the change of the constitution and freed from the silly and unimportant/not serious (in a disrespecful or inappropriate way) use of the Law Courts through (law-related) processes of hiding under court endings of meetings, Selfish and dishonest (moving around/misleading and dishonest behaviors) through the Press, rent-a-crowd (important events or patterns of things), excuses of I'm being (forced someone to pay money so a secret isn't revealed), badly mistreated, made fun of, abused/mistreated, etc. We must be prepared to sacrifice some of our (very valuable/very dearly loved) freedoms.
 In the Dictionary of Criminal Justice, Fifth Edition by George E. Rush, (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) is defined as evil, mentally sick, lowered in value/insulted and a dishonest act, like taking of (payments of money to get favors), cheating etc. In the broadest legal sense, it is any illegal act by a sworn peace officer, including all violations of (related to trusting someone with something valuable) trust and the professional Code of Conduct and (related to the rules and beliefs of doing the right thing)- specific examples include, taking (payments of money to get favors), selling favours, accepting gifts and committing, helping or helping criminal behaviour.

In his long speech or story on (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) in Africa, Professor Benard Ikeguoha of Imo State University (Department of Political Science) defined (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) as the total bad person act of (related to the deep-down, basic way something works) and (related to what holds something together and makes it strong) lowering in value/insulting, (shockingly disrespectful behavior) and rotting. At personal level, it is a weird and sick/ruined character, mentally sick and disgusting in (honest and good human quality/wholeness or completeness) and honesty and given to (the crime of paying money to get favors). But, in fact a functional definition relating to/connected to (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) in Nigeria is that, (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) is the well-thought-out moving around/misleading and tricking of (related to how much money and power people have), political, legal, religious and traditional rules for (focused only on the area where you live) personal, tribal and pietistic interest like taking of (payments of money to get favors), inflation of contracts and strongly supporting family, personal or tribal narrow-minded/(far things look blurry) interest to the harm of national interest.

To delay the tentacles of communication (no electrical power)/(no lights)/(no memory) in the light of our current domestic noise and confusion and (dishonest actions that ruin your trust), the Buhari government must talk with International (services businesses/government units), Institutions and Governments and act through the (ability to serve a purpose or do something) of the United Nations Convention against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust), United Nations convention against Transnational organised crimes, United Nations Worldwide Compact Tenth Rule/basic truth, Organization for Money-based Cooperation and Development Convention on the (the crime of paying money to get favors) of Foreign Public (people in charge of something) in International Business transaction, Changed/redone Recommendations of the (group of people who advise or govern) of the OECD on fighting (the crime of paying money to get favors) in International Business Transactions. At the African (related to a large area) level, there are the African Union Convention on Preventing and Fighting (dishonest actions that ruin your trust), Southern African Development Community Rules of conduct against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) and ECOWAS Rules of conduct on the Fight against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust), among others.

In Nigeria, there is the number of seriously mentally ill (person) stealing, extremely/terribly uncontrolled purchase/getting/learning of very dirty money, valuable things, (making into a god) of (wanting, more than anything else, to buy and own lots of nice things) and institutionalisation of unexplained wealth.

At a Retreat held at the instance of the then President Olusegun Obasanjo at the National Institute for Policy and (related to a plan to reach a goal) Studies, Kuru, Jos between February 23rd and 25th, 2001 for Ministers and Permanent Secretaries, at the end of the retreat, a 12-point (official, public statement/document with such a statement) was adopted which Buhari must use as an idea-based format and Bible for (related to a plan to reach a goal) repositioning of the fight against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) in Nigeria. It states that:

1) We subscribe to the new National belief systems, which is to build a truly great African democratic country, politically United and targeted at creating a stable (money-based)/cheaply rich, socially organised, with equal opportunity for all and responsibility from all to become the helping force for black Renaissance, and making (good) enough all-hugging/supporting (thing that's given/work that's done) sub-(within a large area), (within a large area) and around the world.

2) We adopt the new orientation as a (list of things to deal with/desire to reach a goal) for dealing with immediate and future issues of authority and control of Nigeria: Removing obstacle to (wasting very little while working or producing something) and execution of programmes started by the Federal Government, and Expeditors by becoming real of Government goals and vision of national renewal and reconstruction.

3) We re-dedicate ourselves and those who serve under us to the value of country-loving, honesty, hard work, and great care, good quality/good qualities and excellence, trust worth, personal discipline, tolerance and back and forth/equal between people respect, justice and fairness, love, care and kindness.

4) We promise to avoid (dishonest actions that ruin your trust), laziness, (giving family members better jobs than non-family members), indiscipline, anger, (unfair, pre-decided bad opinions) and other visible sign of unfriendly and grouchy behavior.

5) We will begin/try critical review of the practices and procedures in every department of Government, to quickly increase the working well and getting a lot done and service delivery to the public.

6) We will (help) develop a culture of (wasting very little while working or producing something) in the Management of money and other useful things/valuable supplies, maintaining high standards of useful things/valuable supplies, management and reducing waste at all times.

7) We will efficiently supervise all government departments and (services businesses/government units), securing/making sure of appropriately-timed reports and returns, and difficult project regular spot-checking.

8) We will obey the terms of the behavior rules which we all have signed, as expression of our loyalty to/promise to the (effort to improve things or change things) against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) and working closely with all (clearly connected or related) (services businesses/government units) such as the Independent (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) Practices and other related offences Commission, the Code of Conduct Bureau and the Public Complaints Commission etc.

9) We begin/try to strengthen the partnership in working with the (people and businesses that are not part of the government), since this partnership translates to a better appreciation of the wealth creating ability (to hold or do something) of this part/area, and the need for Government, through its different Ministries and law-based processes, to create an enabling (surrounding conditions) for the part/area to function efficiently as the major driver of the (process of people making, selling, and buying things).

10) We will try to strengthen and teach the culture of working closely and in discussion with the leadership of labor and (related to social pressure, how people act toward each other, etc.) organizations.

11) We will (get ready for action), change (and get better) and (help increase/show in a good way) the interest of all stake holders, namely, the (community of people/all good people in the world) in general; since, in the final/very best all decisions and actions of government are aimed at the promotion of public welfare, there is also the need for a new (point of view/way of behaving) that has that welfare permanently in focus, as the only goal, and the money-based well-being of all people (who lawfully live in a country, state, etc.), under free freedom, is of cardinal importance and we will design (success plans/ways of reaching goals) and ways of doing things of putting into use for the New Orientation to secure/make sure of that the values being taught are (deeply stuck in people's minds) in the group of citizens at large.

We beg the members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) to be of high (honest and good human quality/wholeness or completeness) in this fight against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust). They must adopt the Delphic (official, public statement/document with such a statement) by making their valuable things and (things you owe/things you're responsible for/disadvantages) public. They must stand firmly by President Muhammadu Buhari to make sure that he leaves no stone unturned and no turn unstoned in this huge fight to clean the Augean stable of (dishonest actions that ruin your trust).

The constitution of Panels, Courts and other (asking lots of questions about/trying to find the truth about) bodies to probe Corporations and people must be carefulively kept select. They must secure/make sure of that the people making up/being equal to the Courts and Panels are not sent on witch hunting wild, trick-filled adventures and a long-term, angry fight mission. Buhari must secure/make sure of that his much well-respected political purpose of hugely reducing (percent of people who want to work but cannot find a job) and poorness in Nigeria are energetically chased after and the drive to spread the provision of (nice things to have) to the poor is given top priority. There must be aggressive pursuit of (when a country builds factories and manufactures lots of things) and farming-based revolution that will extremely help (reduce) poorness in Nigeria. We must be encouraged to avoid showy consumption through expensive marriages, burial (formal, special events or series of actions), silly and unimportant/not serious (in a disrespecful or inappropriate way) award of chieftaincy titles, child dedication, naming (formal, special events or series of actions) and stupid public display of wealth. We must secure/make sure of there are checks and balances in the (community of people/all good people in the world) at large to make sure that a man's income is equal to his properties. Unexplained wealth must be (examined something closely so the truth can be found)
There must be huge and huge getting (something) ready for action of Nigerians at all levels to drink the (word with secret powers/word or statement repeated often) of the war against (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) in Nigeria. There must be no (things that absolutely must not be harmed or changed) and all hands must be on deck to make sure that the sledge hammer to deracinate (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) from all nooks and crannies in Nigeria are harshly and excessively applied with soldierly shortness (of the number of words). It is not an easy road to tread, but we must make the move to carefully clean (to remove germs) and rid Nigeria of prebendalistic corruption/dishonesty with money. The (related to judges and the court system) and the Press have a huge and important role to play in this winding and (enjoys doing fun new things) trip.

Finally, the writer and poet Edmund Burke suggested/said that "the heights reached and reached by great men and nations, where not reached and reached by sudden flight. They worked hard all night while others slept" and (proven as true) by the English play writer William Shakespeare that "if to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, poor people (who ask for money) houses would have become princely palaces and princely palaces heavenly paradise" (not word for word). It is not an easy road for (dishonest actions that ruin your trust) and its perfect/extremely important sponsors and (help increase/show in a good way)rs will fight back. It will make or break Nigeria. Nigerians Be aware (of something dangerous)!!!

Bobson Gbinije, a social person (who says bad things or gives opinions), wrote from Warri, Delta State.

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