Wednesday, August 26, 2015

14-yr-old boy kills brother with dad’s gun while ‘acting’ movie

gunENUGU--The sleepytownofUmueze, Enugwu-Achi, Oji-RiverLocalGovernmentArea, EnuguState, waslastMondaythrownintosuffering (in sadness), followingthedeathofthree-year-oldAkachukwuinthehandsofhis 14-year-old brotherEbubechukwu,14, usingtheirfather's gun.
The brothersweresaidtobere-(doing/putting into law)moviescenes, notknowingthatthegunwasloaded.

According toasource, theirfather, ChristianOdika, hadleftfortheirvillagesquareatObodo-UkwuEnugwu-Akwu, forameeting, whenthesadnewsreachedhim.

It wasgatheredthatongettingtohishouse, hemethisson, Akachukwu, inapoolofhisownblood.

Police PublicRelationsOfficer, Mr. EbereAmaraizu, said: "(acts of asking questions and trying to find the truth about something)intothesadeventhave beguntolearn (or check)theremotecauses, sothelawcantakeitscourse."
14-yr-old boy kills brother with dad’s gun while ‘acting’ movie - See more at:
14-yr-old boy kills brother with dad’s gun while ‘acting’ movie - See more at:

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