Monday, January 19, 2015

Would you tell your spouse past relationships secrets?

Is it right to tell your spouse your past relationship secrets?Dear Blessing,
I have a problem which I hope your readers could help with some advice. My name is Princess. I got married 2 years ago to a man I dated for only 6 months. We were so much in love that we saw no need to court for a long time.

While we were courting, we decided to be very open with our past relationships. I never told my husband at any time that I was a saint and neither did he meet me a virgin. I had played the field like any girl and I am sure he had also done some bad things in the past. But since we got married, my husband has refused to let go of my past. He uses what I told him while we were dating to torment me and anytime we have an issue, he brings up my past just to hurt me.
The last straw was when he started accusing me of cheating on him and being a prostitute, just because I told him some details of my past affairs.
What should I do?
Yours Sincerely,
Princess, Lagos.'
Most couples think it is cool to reveal things they had done in their lives when they were single. Some believe that this will surely stop any nosy person who may want to gossip to their spouses about what they had done before they got hooked.
But like we all know, everyone has got a past and some things should be kept where they are: in the past.
On Morning Teaser today, we ask: would you tell your spouse about your past relationships?

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