Monday, December 1, 2014

World's poorest president gets successor

Tabare Vazquez (pictured right) won Uruguay's presidential elections on Sunday, November 30, and will take over from Jose Mujica (pictured left) who's known as the "world's poorest president"
A former president of Uruguay has won the country’s elections four years after he vacated the office.
Tabare Vazquez won more than 50 percent of the votes during the polls, held on Sunday, November 30, and will take over from Jose Mujica, known as "the world's poorest president."

Mujica could not contest for a second term due to constitutional restrictions which bar sitting presidents from seeking a consecutive term in office.
Vazquez, a 74-year-old oncologist, beat 41-year-old rival Luis Lacalle Pou, who won around 42 per cent of the total vote.
“I promise to work my utmost but I cannot, should not and do not want to work alone. I want to count on all Uruguayans,” the successful candidate said after his victory.
Vazquez had previously served as Uruguay’s president from 2005 to 2010.

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