Friday, November 14, 2014

Schizophrenic murderer freed from prison to kill girlfriend jailed for life

A family has demanded to know how a murderer was allowed out on licence to kill his girlfriend.
Daniel Johnson thought Gemma Finnigan, 24, had been possessed by Satan when he strangled and stabbed her 12 times.
The paranoid schizophrenic pleaded guilty to manslaughter yesterday and was sentenced to life with a minimum term of 20 years.

He had developed an interest in American conspiracy theories, would spend all night staring at the stars, spoke of spacecraft heading for earth, said he was the chosen one and claimed he was going to meet Simon Cowell.
He met Gemma - described as a ‘ray of sunshine’ by her family - in 2008. They set up home in Boldon Colliery, South Tyneside, and she became increasingly concerned about his erratic behaviour.
Newcastle Chronicle L-R (Gemma Finnigan's) Sister Kristi Allen, Cousin Tracey Legg, Friends Kayla McFarlane and Rachelle Bryne and Sister Sarah Finnigan.Friends and Family of the alleged murder victim Gemma Finnigan outside of Newcastle Crown Court ahead of the court case.
Family and friends: (L-R) Gemma Finnigan's sister Kristi Allen, cousin Tracey Legg, friends Kayla McFarlane and Rachelle Bryne and sister Sarah Finnigan
He killed her in a frenzied attack on September 13 last year.
Johnson, 33, first met Gemma while on day release from an open prison for the savage street murder of David Younas, who died in his fiancee’s arms after being stabbed more than 10 times as the couple made their way home from a health club.
Johnson and a co-accused, who were both youths at the time, were given life sentences for the murder.
Now a serious case review will look at why Gemma’s family were not informed about her killer’s brutal past.
If they had known about his record, he would never have been allowed into their lives, Gemma’s heartbroken mum Jennifer Finnigan said in a victim impact statement to Newcastle crown court.
She said: “I think of my little girl every day. She is the first thing I think of in the morning and she is the last thing I think of before I go to sleep.
“My three other daughters are all constantly upset at the loss of their sister and are angry and upset. Their lives have been turned upside down by their loss.
North News & Pictures Police and forensic teams attend the scene in Boldon, South Tyneside last year after 24-year-old Gemma Finnigan was found dead.
Crime scene: Police and forensic teams in Boldon, South Tyneside last year after 24-year-old Gemma Finnigan was found dead
“Gemma was a wonderful daughter and special to everyone who came into contact with her. She was what I would describe as a ray of sunshine.
“All she wanted was to help others and make people happy. I feel angry and let down by the probation service. They did not tell myself or Gemma about his involvement in the first murder. Had Gemma or I known about this we would never have welcomed him into out home and Gemma would still be here.
“Despite having a loving and supportive family, my life can never by the same. I have lost everything through the actions and hatred of Johnson.
“I hope he never gets out and is never allowed to harm anyone else.”
Det Chief Inspector Steve Barron welcomed the verdict. He said:
“Johnson is a violent individual who attempted to argue he was insane at the time of the killing as an excuse for killing Gemma Finnigan.
It is clear he knew what he was doing and must now accept responsibility for his actions.
“Gemma died in tragic circumstances and our thoughts are with her family at this very difficult time. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for the dignity that they have shown throughout our investigation.
“We worked closely with the CPS throughout the investigation and I’d also like to thank them for their support.”

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