Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Teen 'killed newborn baby then cremated the body in a stove in a bid to hide pregnancy from parents'

Horrific: Prosecutors say Alexandra Olaru has admitted killing her own baby before burning its corpse
A teenager has been accused of suffocating her newborn baby and then burning its body because she didn't want her parents to find out she was pregnant.
Prosecutors say Alexandra Olaru, 17, from Silvilesti in south-western Romania’s Gorj County, had given birth at home while her parents were out for the night.
Almost immediately after, she smothered the tot’s face with a pillow until it was dead before throwing its tiny corpse into a wood-burning stove and setting it alight.
She was arrested after telling horrified school friends what she had done.

Teen Alexandra Olaru suffocated her newborn baby to death and then burnt the body.
Tragic: Alexandra Olaru is said to have admitted killing her baby
Pal Iona Bibesco, also 17, said: "No one knew she was pregnant, she didn’t look it and she didn’t tell anyone.
"We only found out when she came to school the next day and told us what had happened.
"At first we thought she was making up some sick sort of joke, but as she went into more detail we began to realise it was probably true."
Her friends told a school teacher who then contacted the police.
Prosecutor spokesman Emil Mota said: "When questioned by police the young woman admitted everything she had done and gave all the details.
The place where the teen lives.
Scene: The teenager's parents were out for the night when she gave birth at home
"Immediately after she gave birth she killed the newborn and set it on fire.
"She said she was afraid her parents would find out she was pregnant and be angry."
Her dumbfounded father, local councillor Marcel Olaru, told local media: "I just found out about this when the police arrived at our home.
"We knew she had been in a relationship and had actually got married.
Slivilesti, Gorj County, Romania
Community: The Olaru family lives in Slivilesti, Gorj County, Romania
"But that finished and she came back to live with us.
"But we had absolutely no idea she was pregnant nor that she had gone to such terrible measures to keep it from us," he said.
Prosecutors say the girl is currently undergoing psychological and psychiatric tests.
If found sane, she will be charged with murder and faces a life sentence.

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