Sunday, October 12, 2014

Preparing For Marriage Volume one

A married man was traveling in an Aircraft and he was wearing his wedding ring on a wrong finger, and some one notice it and pointed his attention, Sir you have your wedding ring on a wrong finger, and the man said, dont worry its because i married a wrong woman.

It is not because he married a wrong woman, it is because he did not prepared for marriage. The marriage you dont prepare for would confuse when you get there. It is preparation that determines your experience. People take time to prepare for everything, some spent seven years in the university studying about rats and lizards, when it comes to marriage they think they dont need to do anything all they need is just find a partner and just match to the alter and be join together. It is your preparation that determines your experience. You dont prepare in marriage, you prepared for marriage.You dont learn how to shoot a gun in the battle front, you learn to shoot it before the battle begins.

As you make your bed, so also you lied on it. There is not accidental fulfillment in marriage, if you were going to enjoy fulfillment in marriage, then you have to prepare yourself for marriage. Find time to prepare, now that you are single, congratulation that you are a single being. Being a single is not a disadvantage, being single is not a sin, you are not under a curse because you are single, so many would not understand it means to be a single, so their in a hurry to get out of the single stage to get married, every phase in life prepare you for the next one, and being a single is a necessary phase in life that should prepare you for marriage. You are not under a curse because you are single, it is not a sin to be a single, is a necessary phase that you must pass through in the process of life. Is better to be a single believing God to be married and praying to become a single. So take time to enjoy yourself as a single celebrating being a single. There are so many things you can  do as a single that you can not attempt to do as a married person.

Your time as a single is very unique season of your life that God has given to you and it is primarily for the purpose of preparation being a single should prepare you for marriage, dont forget i said you dont prepare in marriage , you prepared for marriage. So many people are having nasty experiences in marriage including christian couples not because there's anything wrong with their partner, It because they never took their time to prepared themselves. They thought marriage was just finding a partner, if i can just find a right partner, that's it, tall rich and handsome, holy ghost filled and Naira loaded and that's not all there is to marriage. Every successful marriage, every fulfillment marriage is a product of adequate preparation.

This is where i will stop today. Thanks for reading.till i come your way next week
Olokunbola Blessing

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