Sunday, October 12, 2014

Love is not Sex

As teenagers most people engage in relationships with their boyfriends and girlfriends. Most teenagers in relationships kiss each others,touch themselves and even go to the extent of having sex with each other, claiming that it is a way of showing love.
There could be a number of reasons why they decide to have sex. Most of them think having sex is a way of showing their love for each other, not showing that love is just an effect of lust. There are a lot of differences between love and lust, the properties of are shown, it is clearly the opposite of lust, and many people fail to see that.

Also, most people believe that sex and love belong in one package. Sex is not essential in a relationship because you do not need to have sex to show that you love someone. There are many other methods to show that you love some one, and having sex is definitely not a necessity.

Many people enjoy the love in their relationship even when they have not had sex ever, on the other hand, there are other people who have sex all the time since they saw each other, and love would have nothing to do with it. Love is when both parties really put their heart  and soul in their relationship, being completely honest with each other in the process.Love is not selfish, because you would want your partner to be happy as well as yourself, unlike having sex which is just done to please oneself.

Teenagers in lustful relationships put their desires first which is proof enough that their relationship does not consist of love. For example a certain person in a lustful relationship would keep insisting on doing something his or her partner obviously does not enjoy. The happiness of the other person is not being considered, but rather, the desires of the other. It is merely driven by short-lived passion and desire, and once they have achieved their goal, specifically sex, the relationship slowly crumbles, and sooner or later, the people will just go on their separate ways.
So now, as we can all see, there is a great difference between love and sex that many people are yet to see and there's a big difference between a lustful relationship and one that is love filled.

Thank you.
Written by Olokunbola Blessing.

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