Monday, October 27, 2014

How to torture a phone scammer

Generic photo of a woman screaming into telephone. Rage. Angry.
MOST people hang up when a phone scammer calls, but what happens if you keep talking and string them along? One woman did just that
IF you have ever wanted to know the best way to deal with those dreaded scammer phone calls, this can’t be a bad place to start.
Rather than going for the popular hang up option, this Australian woman — posting via a YouTube account named Samantha Gear — decided to give the scammer a bit of his own medicine.

Not the answer he was expecting
During the six minute call, Samantha gives the scammer, who claims to be calling from Telstra, a glimmer of hope that she calmly takes away from him through a series of hilarious pranks.
Just three bucks? There must be a catch
She ambushes him repeatedly with seemingly innocent answers to his questions. No computer, but an iPad, no credit card ... will my library card do?
Got him again there
Samantha writes at the beginning of the video she is a regular recipient of scam calls, prompting her to record this prank.
And she has a sombre message for the rest of us at the end.
After the laughs, Samantha leaves us with this message

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