Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Guys, here’s a perfectly valid reason to have over 20 female sex partners (READ)

Latest studies have shown that there may actually be an upside side to men having sexual partners numbering over twenty.
Men have famously been known to keep a tab on their ‘body count’ to boost their ever-drooping ego but they may need to do it more now – for health reasons as researchers from the University of Montreal and Institut Armand-Frappier say men who have had sex with more than 20 women have a 28 per cent lower chance of being diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Are you counting yet?

“It is possible that having many female sexual partners results in a higher frequency of ejaculations, whose protective effect against prostate cancer has been previously observed in cohort studies,” said study leader Marie-Elise Parent of the University of Montreal.
According to one theory, ejaculating often is thought to lower the number of carcinogens in semen.
Men who had more than 20 partners were also 19 per cent less likely to get a more aggressive type of prostate cancer, Parent and her colleagues found out after doing a study of 3,208 men.
The researchers, however, warned that having more than 20 male partners doubles one’s prostate cancer risk, as does never having sex.
Time up guys, can we now have your results please?

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