Friday, October 3, 2014

Chelsea Clinton's Baby Could Be the Next Secretary of State, According to Astrologist Susan Miller

Chelsea Clinton's Baby Could Be the Next Secretary of State, According to Astrologist Susan Miller 
Baby Charlotte’s natal horoscope shows influences from her grandfather, Bill Clinton, her grandmother, Hillary, her mother, Chelsea and father, Marc Mezvinsky. Her grandfather on her father’s side, Edward Mezvinsky, a Capricorn, seems to have little influence on this child.  Baby Charlotte will grow very close to her grandfather, Bill Clinton, where she will get many practical tips on life and career. She will come to him often to discuss plans and ideas and they will have fun together. She will feel the most emotional closeness and joy from her mother, Chelsea, (a water sign Pisces with Scorpio rising), and grandmother (a Scorpio) because this baby’s natal moon is in Scorpio. 

The moon in our natal chart is considered the repository of dreams and emotions, and reflects how we view our mother. A mother may have three children, each born with their natal moons in different signs, but each child would describe their mother’s personality differently, for the moon colors that child’s view of her. In this case, Charlotte will see her mother as street smart, persistent, determined, discrete, intuitive, powerful, and also warmly emotional, all words used to describe Scorpio, the sign of the baby’s moon in her natal chart.
The baby has Mars in Sagittarius, something I will discuss in more depth later, but I will say now that this is the sign of her father, Marc Mezvinsky, so she will have lots of interactions with him—he will be a source of energy and intellectual debate. Sagittarius is a fire sign, and Charlotte is an air sign, elements that go well together. Mars holds a special place in the baby’s chart, but when overly activated by other transiting planets, Mars does also rule strife, so at times she might not agree with her father, and they will have some spirited debates. She will go to him for mental stimulation, but as said, to be comforted and to feel emotionally secure, she will go to her nurturing water sign Pisces mother or water sign Scorpio grandmother Hillary.

Baby Charlotte has the sun in Libra, the sign that her grandfather, Bill Clinton, has rising. (Bill Clinton also has many planets in Libra, known to bestow charm and intelligence—Jupiter, Venus, Neptune and Mars. This is another reason why Bill Clinton will have such a strong bond with baby Charlotte.) With a grandmother who has been Secretary of State and a grandfather who was a former President, this baby comes from political royalty, and surely family highly skilled in the art of compromise. Indeed, baby Charlotte will grow up to be a master at give and take, and will always search for—and find—the right answer to any delicate question.  This baby could make a skilled politician someday because she would create a win-win situation for both sides, a talent many hope to achieve and few can muster.
The baby’s rising sign would be important, and can only be determined by birth moment.  The rising sign is every bit as important as the Sun sign, and in fact, astrologers treat the rising sign and sun signs nearly interchangeably.

ABC News reports Charlotte was born at 7:03 PM in Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, so Charlotte has entrepreneurial Aries rising, with independent Uranus precisely on the horizon line, rising too. This suggests she will grow up to be a mover and shaker, a self-starter, and a powerful voice for her generation. Charlotte will pave new paths, and this may not show up immediately, but later, as she grows up. She prefers to remain unshackled and not overly managed, another reason a leadership position in politics would appeal to her. If she does not go into politics, she will want to be self-employed and run her own company.

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