Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Best Foods to Eat at Every Time of Day

woman eating lunch
It’s not just what you eat, but when you eat that matters. “Our food dictates everything from our mood and energy levels to sleep patterns and cravings,” says Marci Anderson, a registered dietitian in Cambridge, MA. So whether you want to feel alert in the morning, blissed-out at lunch or sleepy at night, smart food choices can get you there. You don’t have to eat everything that follows in one day; just pick what suits your needs. Keep clicking to find out how to maximize your meals throughout the day.

7 A.M. Goal: Feel full

Are you hungry when your alarm goes off? Good! “That’s a sign that your metabolism is revved up,” says Anderson. And eating, rather than skipping breakfast, is associated with better metabolism and health, she says. Eat within an hour of waking up and aim for a balance of complex carbs, fats and protein, which helps control your appetite throughout the morning, according to research from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Some suggestions: oatmeal topped with peanut butter and berries or whole-wheat toast topped with Cheddar and avocado.

11 A.M. Goal: Avoid treats at the meeting

Yes, the breakfast on slide 2 keeps you satisfied, but it’s normal to feel hungry again after three or four hours. Eating a small snack before a meeting stocked with cookies or doughnuts takes the edge off your hunger, so you can resist temptation. Anderson recommends a cup of lowfat Greek yogurt because it contains 15 to 20 grams of filling protein to reduce cravings. Then, if a doughnut still looks good, grab a half and savor the splurge back at your desk.

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