Sunday, September 28, 2014



You can start your business with no money -- but it will not be easy. But if you're willing to work hard, and be creative and willing to learn, you can surely do it.

This is called bootstrapping, or starting your business on a shoestring budget and many entrepreneurs have done this. I started same way. So i am writing from experience. But as I said, it is NOT EASY.

1. Start Small

 The main key to starting your small business without capital is to start small. I started with skills i love the most. Clients paid me in advance to do certain professional jobs for them.. The most successful small businesses start with the owner's hobby and develop from there. Most people who enjoy sewing already own all the materials needed to start a small sewing business. Most people who enjoy programming computers already own the necessary equipment for this business. Take a look at what you already own and go from there. , Do you want to start a small business but you have no start-up capital and you want to avoid loans? Though many small-business guidebooks will tell you that this is not possible, it certainly is. Read this article to learn how!

2. Start With What You Have

The second key is to start with what you have. If, for example, you want to start a lawn care business, start with the lawn mower you already own. You can purchase a larger mower later, once you've gotten started and have some cash flow. But for the time being, start with what is in your hands. if you wait till you have all you need you may never start

3. Start In Your Own Home or Share Office with Your Friend
With no capital, you will not be able to open a physical storefront or an office outside of your home. Instead, you will need to use space already available to you in your own home or a friends office doing complimenting business . Some people are lucky enough to have an entire room available for their use in operating a small business.

But what if your house is already bursting at the seams? Many businesses require no more than a desk and some storage space. A small desk and a file cabinet can occupy a small section of any available room - a corner of the bedroom, perhaps, or even the living room or dining room! Many people successfully convert an unused closet into their home office, which provides a handy way to hide the mess when expecting company.

4. Advertise Your Business The Cheap Way

Many companies find that their best marketing is free! Word of mouth is usually cited as the best way to obtain new clients or customers. Ask every customer to refer you to at least one or two friends.

Joining local business groups is another great way to market your business - these groups provide plenty of opportunity to network and get the word out about your business.

Most importantly, mention your business at every opportunity - when chatting with friends, when meeting new people, when visiting family. Don't be shy! If possible, bring an example of your work with you everywhere you go. You never know when you will meet an interested potential customer. 

Here are some articles that can give you ideas of what to do when you want to start a business yet you do not have capital:

- Business Ideas on a Budget…
- 50 Free or Low Cost Ways to Market Your Small Business…
- Starting a Business with Little Cash?…
- No Money? No Problem!…
- 10 Rules for Starting A Business on a Shoestring Budget…
- Seth Godin's Bootstrapper Bible…
- How to Start a Business With No Money…

I suggest you read the following books as well. Borrow them from your library or buy them from your favorite bookstore

- No Cash, No Fear: Entrepreneurial Secrets to Starting Any Business with No Money by Terry Allen

- Starting on a Shoestring: Building a Business Without a Bankroll by Arnold S. Goldstein
- The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything by Guy Kawasaki

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