Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ekaite wanted her salary raised her madam asked wanted to know why

Ekaite wanted her salary raised 
her madam wanted 3 reasons why
she wanted an increment of salary.
Ekaite: I can cook Better than you?
Madam: who told you that
Ekaite: your husband told Me?
Madam: OK, second reason
Ekaite: I can iron Better than you
Madam: who told you that
Ekaite: Your husband told Me
Madam: OK, and the third reason?
Ekaite: I am also Better in bed
than you? This time madam was
furious & was getting ready to
break her head
Madam: Did my husband say that?
Ekaite: No the driver to me that
I’m better in bed than you are
Madam: Please lower your voice I
will increase your salary ! In-fact
How much Do You Want?
Question : if you happens to be
the maid how much will you tell
Two men were sitting in a bar and the following conversation took place: MAN 1: I cant takes this any more! MAN 2: What is the matter? MAN 1: My wife cheated on me! MAN 2: That is horrible! So what did you do? MAN 1: I did what all men will do. MAN 2: I trust you, that man must have gotten the beating of his life. MAN 1: I did not beat him, I just told him to buy me a drink.

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Twitter: @akposjokes

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