SexVille Tuesday: Orgasm Is Important To Your Marriage Research has shown that there is a connection between orgasm and a long lasting marriage.
SexVille Tuesday: Why You Should Have More Sex With Your Spouse
It seems the issue of orgasm in a marriage is generating a
lot of talking point as many women who have written in to SexVille
Tuesday appear to want us to keep talking about that subject.
Like one lady wrote the other day, “you guys are on point on the orgasm thing but it is still a pity that our men in these parts of the world do not want to learn. Please keep educating them; don’t stop till our husbands know that sex is not just climbing, thrusting and grunting while we lay there not knowing what is happening and just when you are set to start, they are done and turn their backs on you.”
It is on the back of this that we have decided to continue with our ‘Big O’ discussion. On SexVille today, we bring in another sex expert, Dr. (Mrs.) Stacy Lugard to show us some steps that we all can employ towards our quest for that big ‘O’. I am sure you are going to enjoy her lecture.
“Sex pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken.”
Scents of Seduction
Having an orgasm starts with feeling aroused. And like I would put it, no arousal, no orgasm. Arousal begins in the brain, specifically the limbic area where the sense of smell intersects with emotional process, our memory store and our sexuality.
Vibrations of arousal and eventually orgasm, lives in the body and are triggered in the brain. Trust your sense of smell and indulge your olfactory in whatever scents turn you on. When trying to achieve an orgasm, there are many different things you can do to get there.
You can by giving yourself seductive baths in preparation for his coming home. Make sure you ensconce yourself in some sexually arousing scents that will arouse his olfactory system which is foundational to the art of love making and I dare say, this will be to your great advantage.
Motions of Sexual Matrimony
Arousal is a visceral experience and our bodies are built for motion. Nowhere is this more useful than in sexual exploration. Although this may seem like stating the obvious, it’s only a small percentage of people who tense up and stop moving around in their sexual activity – there is more than hip thrusting to experiment with.
Experimenting with moving all of your limbs, rolling your neck and stretching into new positions can trigger arousal points that you didn’t know you had. If you can think of no other reason than wanting to understand more about your orgasmic potential, try and fit in a little bit of core strengthening exercises into your life. Being able to hold onto someone you love from the inside will make you feel both strong and sexy.
Breathing Life Into the Bedroom: Arousal is expressed through our breathing. Becoming aware of breath in sexuality will bring life and orgasm into focus like nothing else. Whether you lean towards long and slow breaths or short, fast inhalations, stop and notice how your breathing affects your connection to your body, your husband, lover and your orgasmic possibilities.
Try changing your breathing pattern and see how it transforms the experience. Making an agreement with your partner to synchronize your breathing and movement is a remarkably simple step, which will have a profound impact on lovemaking. Refocusing your breathing will not only deepen your connection, but may also expand your idea of orgasm itself.
You’re On Your Own: Extending the space between arousal and orgasm is the art of lovemaking. Before you interact with your husband, do your own solo experiments so you know the sensations and buildup that lead you to the point of no-return.
Practice pulling back from that line and introducing another form of touch or breathe and move towards it again; I have long been an advocate of waiting as long as you can to surrender into your orgasm. The longer you wait, the more power and energy is built up and the sweeter the release. Some spiritual techniques suggest moving up and down this arousal tunnel, coming as close as you can to your orgasmic edge without going over is a spiritual practice. Sounds like a worthy form of meditation, and I don’t question its incredibly powerful results.
Sources of Secretion: Arousal messages come through our body as genital secretions – as many as a third of all women do not have a strong natural lubricating response. This easily turns into feelings of low libido and disinterest in sex.
After years of birthing and nursing babies, I never have natural wetness, so I was heartened to discover that a small application of great, clean lubricant will kick start the arousal cycle. Not only that, but adding healthy lubricant ingredients ensures painless friction, (more time to experiment), and is a critical companion to experiencing orgasm.
So go forth, flirt with arousal, don’t judge your experience or compare it to anyone else’s and enjoy the ride. If there is any journey worth taking over and over again, it is the one closest to our most innate and miraculous human pleasure.
Beautiful Sexual Intimacy In Marriage: There is an old adage that men hug women so they can make love and women make love in order for their men to hold them. Have you heard this before? From my experience meeting with couples, I have to admit that for most of them, it had gone beyond that. For most women, making love had become something they endured because they love their husbands, despite their husbands’ insensitivity in the bedroom. Most men don’t get it and most women don’t know how to explain it.
Our society does not teach or support intimacy. Our society teaches a sexuality that is raw and shallow. A man who thinks he is a good lover believes giving his wife an orgasm is all she looks forward to. This attitude is actually considered progressive compared to the man who just expects his wife to please him.
For the most part, men are clumsy and women are inarticulate when it comes to intimacy. In fact, it is difficult to call the sexual interaction between most couples intimacy, at all. In most cases, the man is doing what he thinks he needs to do in order to “please” his wife so he can ejaculate. Most men are not thinking about pleasing their wives just for the sake of pleasing them while most women are trying to please their husband just so they can be done with it.
Rather than enjoying intimacy through a true connection, a couple must mask their feelings in order to pretend they are being fulfilled. A huge number of couples do not even want to see each other with their clothes off.
In marriage, a couple has the perfect platform to discover each other from the tips of the toes to the depths of their souls. With the right guidance and a little bit of instruction, a husband and wife’s intimate moments can be absolutely amazing while providing gratification and fulfillment for the heart.
The road towards intimacy weaves through understanding each other along with how to behave, how to communicate and how to please one another. Intimacy and a perfect relationship, which there’s no reason for you to not have, neither begins nor ends in the bedroom. It is the marriage itself. Don’t give up on your pursuit of the perfect marital relationship complete with intimacy.
It is something you can have. But for now remember how much you love your spouse and don’t forget to tell him or her, “I love you.”
Source :
Like one lady wrote the other day, “you guys are on point on the orgasm thing but it is still a pity that our men in these parts of the world do not want to learn. Please keep educating them; don’t stop till our husbands know that sex is not just climbing, thrusting and grunting while we lay there not knowing what is happening and just when you are set to start, they are done and turn their backs on you.”
It is on the back of this that we have decided to continue with our ‘Big O’ discussion. On SexVille today, we bring in another sex expert, Dr. (Mrs.) Stacy Lugard to show us some steps that we all can employ towards our quest for that big ‘O’. I am sure you are going to enjoy her lecture.
“Sex pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken.”
Scents of Seduction
Having an orgasm starts with feeling aroused. And like I would put it, no arousal, no orgasm. Arousal begins in the brain, specifically the limbic area where the sense of smell intersects with emotional process, our memory store and our sexuality.
Vibrations of arousal and eventually orgasm, lives in the body and are triggered in the brain. Trust your sense of smell and indulge your olfactory in whatever scents turn you on. When trying to achieve an orgasm, there are many different things you can do to get there.
You can by giving yourself seductive baths in preparation for his coming home. Make sure you ensconce yourself in some sexually arousing scents that will arouse his olfactory system which is foundational to the art of love making and I dare say, this will be to your great advantage.
Motions of Sexual Matrimony
Arousal is a visceral experience and our bodies are built for motion. Nowhere is this more useful than in sexual exploration. Although this may seem like stating the obvious, it’s only a small percentage of people who tense up and stop moving around in their sexual activity – there is more than hip thrusting to experiment with.
Experimenting with moving all of your limbs, rolling your neck and stretching into new positions can trigger arousal points that you didn’t know you had. If you can think of no other reason than wanting to understand more about your orgasmic potential, try and fit in a little bit of core strengthening exercises into your life. Being able to hold onto someone you love from the inside will make you feel both strong and sexy.
Breathing Life Into the Bedroom: Arousal is expressed through our breathing. Becoming aware of breath in sexuality will bring life and orgasm into focus like nothing else. Whether you lean towards long and slow breaths or short, fast inhalations, stop and notice how your breathing affects your connection to your body, your husband, lover and your orgasmic possibilities.
Try changing your breathing pattern and see how it transforms the experience. Making an agreement with your partner to synchronize your breathing and movement is a remarkably simple step, which will have a profound impact on lovemaking. Refocusing your breathing will not only deepen your connection, but may also expand your idea of orgasm itself.
You’re On Your Own: Extending the space between arousal and orgasm is the art of lovemaking. Before you interact with your husband, do your own solo experiments so you know the sensations and buildup that lead you to the point of no-return.
Practice pulling back from that line and introducing another form of touch or breathe and move towards it again; I have long been an advocate of waiting as long as you can to surrender into your orgasm. The longer you wait, the more power and energy is built up and the sweeter the release. Some spiritual techniques suggest moving up and down this arousal tunnel, coming as close as you can to your orgasmic edge without going over is a spiritual practice. Sounds like a worthy form of meditation, and I don’t question its incredibly powerful results.
Sources of Secretion: Arousal messages come through our body as genital secretions – as many as a third of all women do not have a strong natural lubricating response. This easily turns into feelings of low libido and disinterest in sex.
After years of birthing and nursing babies, I never have natural wetness, so I was heartened to discover that a small application of great, clean lubricant will kick start the arousal cycle. Not only that, but adding healthy lubricant ingredients ensures painless friction, (more time to experiment), and is a critical companion to experiencing orgasm.
So go forth, flirt with arousal, don’t judge your experience or compare it to anyone else’s and enjoy the ride. If there is any journey worth taking over and over again, it is the one closest to our most innate and miraculous human pleasure.
Beautiful Sexual Intimacy In Marriage: There is an old adage that men hug women so they can make love and women make love in order for their men to hold them. Have you heard this before? From my experience meeting with couples, I have to admit that for most of them, it had gone beyond that. For most women, making love had become something they endured because they love their husbands, despite their husbands’ insensitivity in the bedroom. Most men don’t get it and most women don’t know how to explain it.
Our society does not teach or support intimacy. Our society teaches a sexuality that is raw and shallow. A man who thinks he is a good lover believes giving his wife an orgasm is all she looks forward to. This attitude is actually considered progressive compared to the man who just expects his wife to please him.
For the most part, men are clumsy and women are inarticulate when it comes to intimacy. In fact, it is difficult to call the sexual interaction between most couples intimacy, at all. In most cases, the man is doing what he thinks he needs to do in order to “please” his wife so he can ejaculate. Most men are not thinking about pleasing their wives just for the sake of pleasing them while most women are trying to please their husband just so they can be done with it.
Rather than enjoying intimacy through a true connection, a couple must mask their feelings in order to pretend they are being fulfilled. A huge number of couples do not even want to see each other with their clothes off.
In marriage, a couple has the perfect platform to discover each other from the tips of the toes to the depths of their souls. With the right guidance and a little bit of instruction, a husband and wife’s intimate moments can be absolutely amazing while providing gratification and fulfillment for the heart.
The road towards intimacy weaves through understanding each other along with how to behave, how to communicate and how to please one another. Intimacy and a perfect relationship, which there’s no reason for you to not have, neither begins nor ends in the bedroom. It is the marriage itself. Don’t give up on your pursuit of the perfect marital relationship complete with intimacy.
It is something you can have. But for now remember how much you love your spouse and don’t forget to tell him or her, “I love you.”
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