Monday, December 9, 2013

Nelson Mandela’s death

Nelson Mandela
Even after the South African Government moved the Intensive Care Unit to Nelson Mandela’s house and turned Mandela’s room to an ICU, still, the stubborn cold hands of death snatched the ‘Madiba’ from the hands of the best of the best health professionals, and the loving hands of his people.
Though his exit didn’t come as a shock, because his health had been on the downward slope for some time, we are grieving, for we have lost the world’s greatest peace loving man. He never paid back those people that subjected him to 9,869 days of untold hardship in appalling conditions just for asking for what was rightfully his and his people. Even though he doesn’t need  “do or die” politics to rule for second term because he was the favourite, still, he voluntarily relinquished his position as a president.
Madiba, the perfect gentleman, can rest now, knowing that  his incomparable legacy will forever live on. The whole world will miss him.

AKILLA Joshua,
Idado Town, Ibeju, Lekki,
Lagos State,
 Today, as the world mourns the legendary Mandela who passed on on Thursday. The media is awash with tributes and eulogies by world leaders about the virtues of the late sage, Madiba. But beyond these obvious mouthful eulogies, let all African leaders and politicians learn and follow his exemplary legacy of true patriotism, selflessness, incalculable sacrifice, true democracy, politics of peace and unity, and unfeigned love and struggle for his people. They should repent of their politics of greed, corruption, self-enrichment, self-centredness and the devilish appetite for hanging on to power at all cost to the detriment and even destruction of the people they pretend to love and lead. They should follow the steps of the man who spent 27 years in jail for the freedom of his people but humbly chose to stay only one term as president though he had the right and opportunity to continue in office. In Nigeria today, the greed for hanging on to power for self-enrichment – second term, third term etc. – is tearing the ruling party and close brothers apart, overheating the system and may lead to a national conflagration! May God, in His mercy, compel our leaders to see and follow the world-acclaimed virtuous steps of Mandela for their own good and that of the entire nation.
Rev. Gilbert Ugwu,
Lagos State,
 Our leaders in Nigeria ought to learn great lessons from this legend of our time. He was selfless to the course of liberating his people. It wasn’t for amassing wealth like all our so-called leaders who are corrupt and only pursue inordinate ambitions. The love of the people is not their intent but amassing wealth for their unborn generations. Let any one of them who has not stolen or converted public funds for personal and family use raise his/her hands.
Oye Famoye,
Ajah, Lagos State,
 The soul that burnt for other to live on; the body that felt the pains of struggle for others; the mouth that protested and spoke facts for others’ interest; a freeman who was sent to jail and cage in prison for other to walk freely; the elephant had gone home. So it is true that life is vanity. Mandela left a stature of himself, a leader, a brother, an African, a legend, an impartial soul.
David Jaccott,

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