Thursday, December 12, 2013

42 Things Girls Hate About Guys

It can be frustrating when a couple.That is why i try to avoid potential quarrels by trying not to do things that the girls hate.So maybe this list can help you to avoid quarreling wit your partner.Here is the list.

1.Forget her birthday.(Deadly mistake)
2.Bring her out with your buddies and ignoring her.
3.Socks in shoe
5.No attention and affection.
7.Choosing work over her
8.Want to hang up the phone after just 1 minute of conversation.
9.Make your room untidy.
10.Chose to watch your sport activities (football match)over her
11.Not picking up her phone calls.
12.Taking half an hour to reply her text messages.
14.Make fun of her in front of others.
15.Saying she is fat.
16.Talk bad about her family members.
17.Forget to shave and appear untidy.
18.Criticize her career choice.
19.Lack of hygiene etiquette.
20.Saying other girls are beautiful.
21.Lie to them
22.Judging her
23.Compare her with other girls.
24.Fail to give her a sense of security.
25.Appearing insecure.
26.Guys who do not know how to take care of themselves.
27.Not caring.
28.Flirting with other girls.
29.Breaking promises.
30.Over protective.
31.Over boasting.
34.Doesnt pay attention to what she say.
36.Doesnt pamper her.
37.Never call back whe you promised her.
38.Mummy's pet
39.Talk often about other girls.
41.Sexual pressure.
42.Wrong association.

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