Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cassanova Bank DMD And His Love For Dark Skinned Nollywood Actresses.

                     OH CASSANOVA....
                           OH CASSANOVA....
                                OH CASSANOVA......

A fresh wave of talks is increasing in the social circle and it revolves around a bank deputy managing director and his insatiable appetite for nacking,the kind that blows your mind and leaves your hairline standing.

Information made available revealed that the increasing whispers centres around how he has turned the repackaged leisure spot,Southern Sun Hotel into a second home.

 Informants disclosed that the Deputy Managing Director has since middle June 2013 maintained a permanent suites in the hotel and what goes on in the suites can be likened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

  From Actresses to bankers,He loves and takes care of them all very well,infact he is so devoted to each that they dont want to let go.......and his speck is dark skinned and curvy ladies.

One Actress who has been to the permanent lodge several times is a benue state born Actresses who lives big and another not single actress who is an Ambassador of a top Telecommunication brand.

 This bank DMD has a large heart and if you visit him and come out of the love nest,your life will never be the same...both financially and sexually.

He's hot and if you want him,the only way to have 'Access' to him is to be dark skinned and curvy and the rest will fall into don't even need to be an '....igwes' daughter.

 He is dark skinned and has small beady eyes,wears no hair on his head and has lips that suggest he is good at kissing..I would call him a handsome,smooth,suave and Mwaaah!

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